For most training functions, creating sustainable impact within your organization is mission critical. If you are not going to generate lasting results then why bother?
Time and time again our experience with client simulations has proven that the more immersive the learning experience, the greater the sustainable impact. Here are just three of the many reasons why immersive learning experiences like simulation are so effective. They:
- Connect in powerful ways with every member of today’s multi-generational workforce. For instance, the newest generation of learners brings with it a new set of expectations and access. For them, video games and social networking sites have created demand for learning that is immediately relevant, contextual, immersive and responsive to input from the learner.
- Reduce time away from work. Not only do organizations want to reduce time away from work, so do employees. In today’s workplace the work that isn’t done during office hours is done during off hours. So employees are more receptive to focused training delivered over shorter periods.
- Make the employee do the work. Studies show that people learn better by doing. Simulations immediately place the learner at the center of the action.
Want to learn more about simulations and other immersive training technologies? Explore the myriad of off-the-shelf products and custom techniques Blueline employs to immerse and engage your learners.