4 reasons to build a business case for immersive learning

When immersive learning experiences are well-designed and executed, they can have a tremendous impact on your people and organization. While not easy to do, creating a compelling business case for immersive learning initiatives ensures buy-in and mindshare of key executives at your organization. 

Building a business case for immersive learning

#1 Highlights the power of immersive learning designs

Immersive learning designs provide a safe way for learners to practice responding to real-world challenges. They utilize a variety of techniques that maximize learner engagement to develop new knowledge, skills, and behaviors. In many cases, immersive learning experiences can be delivered just as effectively virtually as on-site, making them well-suited to today’s hybrid workplace

While most learning leaders are well-versed in the value of immersive learning experiences, it can be a struggle to translate that into a proposal that secures the necessary funding. L&D professionals need to be able to prepare and present a well-thought-out business case. 

#2 Ensures that your initiative is aligned to strategy 

In most organizations, budget and time are scarce commodities. Creating a compelling reason to allocate people and money to a particular endeavor begins by ensuring that it is aligned with your organization’s goals or strategy. Creating a strong business case that documents how your initiative impacts your organization’s top priorities through improved employee performance is critical. 

#3 Addresses the elephant in the room 

According to the ROI Institute, 74% of CEOs want to see ROI demonstrated in L&D initiatives, but only 4% are getting it. The numbers reinforce what we already know to be true—that the majority of L&D proposals lack the data to show financial directors, CEOs, and other stakeholders that they make a difference in the organization.

In Blueline’s free download, Building the Business Case for Immersive Learning, we identify the elements that influence the financial value of training. Our template will help you demonstrate to the C-Suite why immersive learning experiences are such a powerful business transformation tool and how they positively impact investments in people development.

#4 Creates a framework to evaluate program success 

How can you know for sure that a specific program is achieving its objectives? The process of creating a business case includes identifying metrics that will enable you to evaluate your program’s success. And through the process of creating a framework that enables you to predict return on learning investment (ROLI) for your initiative, you will have also developed a model for measuring its actual ROLI.   

Our free guide helps you make the business case for learning 

Download our free guide and template to help you build the business case for immersive learning, demonstrate ROLI, and gain buy-in from employees and executives for your learning and development initiatives. 

Cover image of free guide Building the Business Cse for Immersive Learning. Leadership Team of 4 professionals looking at laptop.

Are you struggling to prove the value of learning to CEOs and executives? Download our free guide!

  • Build the business case for immersive learning
  • Demonstrate return on learning investment (ROLI)
  • Gain buy-in from employees and executives for your learning and development initiatives

It’s your job to create your organization’s vision, and it’s our job to help turn that vision into a blueprint for success.

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