The Need
A large pharmaceutical company needed to enable effective career coaching discussions quickly and effectively; ensuring that everybody in the organization experienced an equitable and empowering career coaching process.
The company’s goal was to attract, develop, and retain top talent by making sure they were introducing career planning processes and tools that would maximize the right opportunities for the individual and the business—fairly, consistently, and transparently. Furthermore, they needed to ensure they had a strong leadership pipeline for the future.
To do this, the company implemented technology that assessed an individual employee’s likelihood of success as a leader. Everyone in the organization who wanted to be considered for leadership had the opportunity to be assessed. But what if the assessment came back saying that an individual didn’t have the aptitude or wasn’t eligible? What if people chose not to take the assessment, even if the company wanted them to?
The company needed help figuring out how to keep people motivated, fully engaged, and growing as they progressed in their careers. They needed a way to train their current leaders on how to have pre-assessment conversations so that the opportunity was equitable and the right people were getting into the pipeline. Further, leaders needed to be able to navigate potentially volatile post-assessment conversations to help people think through the long-term implications of their assessment—all while maintaining or regaining trust.